“Harry Potter” Mystery: Do Wizards Care About Cleanliness or Sanitation?

While many Harry Potter fans point out how wizards don’t always care about safety, despite the characters claiming so, few have noticed the seemingly little care involved with cleanliness and sanitation too. Now this post won’t include the unnecessary revelation J.K. Rowling shared about how wizards used to “go to the bathroom.” Rather, I willContinue reading ““Harry Potter” Mystery: Do Wizards Care About Cleanliness or Sanitation?”

“Harry Potter” Mystery: Are Wizards Not as Concerned About Safety as Muggles?

One thing I noticed about the Harry Potter series is that wizards and witches don’t seem as concerned about safety as muggles do. It is constantly said that Hogwarts is one of the safest wizarding schools in the world. However, like many, I kind of have to disagree. People have pointed out the numerous dangersContinue reading ““Harry Potter” Mystery: Are Wizards Not as Concerned About Safety as Muggles?”

“Harry Potter” Mystery: Do Wizards’ Brains Work Differently Than Muggles’?

Whether you’re a die-hard Harry Potter fan or just know a little bit about the series, like if you’re just starting to read the books or watch the films, you might notice how different wizards and witches are from muggles (non-magical people). This could be due to the International Statute of Secrecy, where magicians mustContinue reading ““Harry Potter” Mystery: Do Wizards’ Brains Work Differently Than Muggles’?”